For any umpires out there, the latest update from England Hockey regarding umpiring in the Midlands area.

Dear Umpire,
We hope that you are keeping safe & well during this pandemic period and looking forward to being able to be back on a pitch as of next week.

As you may be aware, England Hockey have been working hard with volunteers across the Midlands, including MRHUA, BCHUA and EMHUA, as well as volunteers from MYU and Clubs, to bring to life the new “Structure Fit for the Future”.

The Midlands Officiating Transition Team would like to invite you to a presentation on Thursday 29 April at 7pm, to give an overview on the proposed changes in Officiating that are being made, to the following groups:

  • Individuals who umpire for their club
  • Individuals who are a developer of umpires at club level
  • Individuals who are interested in becoming an umpire or technical official when the 2021/2 season starts

To receive the joining instructions for the above meeting, please click here to register your interest.

If you have any questions, please e-mail: [email protected].

We look forward to seeing you on the 29th April 2021 at 7pm.  

Laura Seager
Chair of the Midlands Officiating Transition Team.

Categories: Club News